We are pleased to announce the CLEF-2018 CheckThat! Lab, a collaborative research project focusing on automated fact-checking in political debates. The lab, described in detail at https://github.com/clef2018-factchecking/clef2018-factchecking , invites researchers to develop algorithms for detecting false claims in a text. CheckThat! Lab aims to address the growing issue of misinformation in today’s digital world. As outlined in the invited paper ( https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2125/invited_paper_14.pdf ) and the corpora mailing list ( https://mailman.uib.no/public/corpora/2018-April/028280.html ), participants will have access to a dataset of political debates, with claims manually annotated for veracity.

To know more, visit the following resources:
https://mailman.uib.no/public/corpora/2018-April/028280.html https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2125/invited_paper_14.pdf